"UPLOAD / DOWNLOAD: Photography and The Internet" - PhotoEspaña 2017, Madrid (Spain)
"Here I Live" - MediaCongress 2018, Hermitage Museum - Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Daniel Mayrit is a regular teacher at LENS Visual Arts School, teaching on all things related to photography, new technologies and digital culture.
He has been a visiting lecturer at Universidad de Navarra (Spain), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), EFTI (Spain), HKU Utrecht (Netherlands), KABK The Hague (Netherlands) and AKV-St. Joost Breda (Netherlands).
2018 - New Technologies for Image Making, at Universidad Complutense - Madrid (Spain)
2018 - Stories, Likes and Shares: Photography and Identity on Social Media, at Fundación Telefónica - Madrid (Spain)
2017 - Smartphone Photography for Teenagers​, at PhotoEspaña '17 - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid (Spain)
2017 - New Image-Making Technologies for a Critical Discourse, at EFTI - Madrid (Spain)
2017 - Post-Photographic Practices, at LENS Visual Arts School - Madrid (Spain)
2016 - Occupy The Internet: Photography and Social Networks, at DONE2, Fundación FotoColectania - Barcelona (Spain)
- 2016 - The New Shape of the Image, at Universidad Complutense - Madrid (Spain)
- 2015 - PhotoBook Making Masterclass, with Rob Hornstra and Vincent van Baar, at KABK - The Hague (Netherlands)
- 2015 - Travelling the World Without Ever Leaving Our Room, at GetxhoPhoto Festival - Getxo (Spain)
Daniel Mayrit writes a non-regular column, 'Save Image As', on photography, art and digital culture for Spanish online magazine CLAVOARDIENDO [in Spanish]
2018 - Media Congress '18 - Hermitage Museum Theater, Saint Petersburg (Russia)
2018 - Extra Fort - Recyclart, Brussels (Belgium)
2017 - "Full Frame" - CENDEAC, Murcia (Spain)
2016 - New Spanish Photography - Fundación Telefónica, Madrid (Spain)
2016 - DONE 2016 - Fundación FotoColectania, Barcelona (Spain)
2016 - Show Us The Money - FoMu, Antwerp (Belgium)
2016 - Nuevas Formas de la Imagen - Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain)
2015 - FOTODOK Book Club - FotoDok, Utrecht (Netherlands)
2015 - Hacking Images - Getxophoto, Getxo (Spain)
2013 - New Documentary Photography - La Casa Encendida, Madrid (Spain)